#!python import os import re import shutil import subprocess from html.parser import HTMLParser from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter class CodeHighlighter(HTMLParser): data = '' reading_code = False code = '' lang = '' def output(self): data = self.data self.data = '' return data def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'pre': self.reading_code = True if tag == 'code': for attr in attrs: if attr[0] == 'class': self.lang = attr[1].split(' ')[1] if not self.reading_code: self.attrs = attrs self.data += '<' + tag for attr in attrs: self.data += ' %s="%s"' % (attr[0], attr[1]) self.data += '>' def handle_data(self, data): if self.reading_code: self.code += data else: self.data += data def handle_endtag(self, tag): if not self.reading_code: self.data += '' % tag if tag == 'pre': self.reading_code = False self.data += highlight(self.code, get_lexer_by_name(self.lang), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True)) self.code = '' self.lang = '' highlighter = CodeHighlighter() input_ = 'input' outroot = 'out' output = 'Files' templates = 'templates' shutil.rmtree(outroot, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(outroot) shutil.copy(templates + '/stylesheet.css', outroot + '/stylesheet.css') shutil.copy(templates + '/highlight.css', outroot + '/highlight.css') shutil.copy(templates + '/cabinet.png', outroot + '/cabinet.png') shutil.copytree(templates + '/mathjax', outroot + '/mathjax') with open(templates + '/file.html', 'r') as template: file_template = template.read() with open(templates + '/index.html', 'r') as template: index_template = template.read() def render_template(template, **kwargs): for var, val in kwargs.items(): template = template.replace('${%s}' % var, val) return template class File: def __init__(self, root, outdir, name): self.outdir = outdir self.basename = name[:-4] self.pdf = self.basename + '.pdf' self.html = self.basename + '.html' self.path = self.outdir.removeprefix(outroot + '/') + '/' + self.html self.pretty_path = self.path.replace('_', ' ').removesuffix('.html') self.input_path = root + '/' + name self.root_reference = re.sub(r'.+?/', '../', outdir) self.root_reference = re.sub(r'/[^\.]+$', '/', self.root_reference) # with open(root + '/' + name, 'r') as f: # markdowner = markdown2.Markdown(extras=['metadata', # 'fenced-code-blocks', # 'tables', # 'code-friendly']) # self.content = markdowner.convert(f.read()) self.content = subprocess.check_output(['pandoc', '--mathjax=templates/mathjax/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js', '-f', 'latex', '-t', 'html', '%s/%s' % (root, name)]).decode() def expand_html(self): title = self.basename.replace('_', ' ') expanded = render_template(file_template, title=title, path=self.pretty_path, root=self.root_reference, pdf=self.pdf, content=self.content) highlighter.feed(expanded) return highlighter.output() def write_html(self): html_content = self.expand_html() with open(self.outdir + '/' + self.html, 'w') as f: f.write(html_content) def write_pdf(self): subprocess.run(['latexmk', '-pdf', '-outdir=%s' % self.outdir, self.input_path]) subprocess.run(['latexmk', '-c', '-outdir=%s' % self.outdir, self.input_path]) def write(self): self.write_html() self.write_pdf() toc = '' with open(outroot + '/index.html', 'w') as f: f.write(render_template(index_template, toc=toc))