#!/bin/python3.9 from datetime import datetime from sys import argv, stderr from os import system import re rules = argv[1].split('&') pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{2}):(\d{2})-(\d{2}):(\d{2})') now = datetime.now() nm = now.hour * 60 + now.minute for rule in rules: m = pattern.match(rule) if not m: print('unrecognized time stamp "{}"'.format(rule), file=stderr) exit(1) sh, sm, eh, em = map(int, m.groups()) sm = sh * 60 + sm em = eh * 60 + em if nm >= sm and nm <= em: exit(0) print('You are not supposed to access this program now', file=stderr) system('notify-send -u critical "You are not supposed to access this program now"') exit(2)