# fsub `fsub` is a Python script for cleaning, editing and fixing a SubRip (.srt) file # Installation Through Python's pip: ``` pip install fsub ``` # Usage ``` usage: fsub [-h] [-f F] [-c] [-s MS] [-n] [-j] [-u] [-r | -p] [-b B] [-e E] file [file ...] Fix, edit and clean SubRip (.srt) files. positional arguments: file list of input files (they all must be SubRip files) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f F, --config F use F as the config file (by default, on Unix it is: "$HOME/.config/fsubrc"; on Windows it is: "%APPDATA%\fsubrc") -r, --replace edit files in-place (--join will delete joined files too), instead of the default behavior of outputing results into files prefixed with "out-" -p, --stdout dump results to stdout, and do not edit nor write any file processing: Flags that specify an action to be taken. Many may be specified. -c, --clean remove subtitles matching regular expressions listed in the config file (this is the default behavior if no other flag is passed) -s MS, --shift MS shift all subtitles by MS milliseconds, which may be positive or negative -n, --no-html strip HTML tags from subtitles content -j, --join join all files into the first, shifting their time accordingly -u, --cut-out cut the specified section from the file(s) into new files sectioning: Flags that specify a section to work in. They accept either a subtitle number or a time stamp in the SubRip format ("::,", where hours, minutes, seconds are 2-zero padded while milliseconds is 3-zero padded). fsub will not modify subtitles outside this range, except while joining the files. -b B, --begin B specify section beginning (inclusive) -e E, --end E specify section end (inclusive) ``` # Testing In the project's root directory, run all the tests with: ``` python -m unittest tests ``` Or, just the unit/integration tests: ``` python -m unittest tests.unit python -m unittest tests.integration ``` # Features - Fixes subtitle numbering - Converts files to UTF-8 encoding - Validates file structure - May remove subtitles containing lines that match any regular expression listed in the config file (by default on Unix: `$HOME/.config/fsubrc`; on Windows: `%APPDATA%\fsubrc`) - May shift the time of all subtitles - May strip HTML - May join files together - May edit files in-place - May cut sections out