PAC,alsa-utils,Utilities for ALSA PAC,clang,C compiler PAC,cmake,Meta-build system PAC,cmus,Terminal music player AUR,compiledb,Utility for generating compile_commands.json from Makefile FUN,install_dash, PAC,dunst,Notification daemon SRC,,Graphical dynamic menu SRC,,Tiling window manager SRC,,Dwm status bar PAC,feh,Image viewer PAC,firejail,Sandbox program PAC,fzf,Fuzzy finder PAC,gcc,C compiler PAC,gvim,Text editor AUR,htop-vim,System monitor PAC,libnotify,Implementation of the Desktop Notifications Specification PAC,libxinerama,X11 extension which provides support for extending a desktop across multiple displays PAC,lxsession,Graphical authentication agent PAC,man,Interface to system manuals PAC,mpv,Media player PAC,mupdf,Lightweight PDF viewer AUR,nerd-fonts-hack,Monospace font PAC,noto-fonts,Collection of standard fonts from Google PAC,opendoas,Sudo alternative PAC,openssh,Secure shell PAC,picom,X11 compositor PAC,polkit,Toolkit for handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged ones PAC,python3,Python 3 interpreter PAC,qutebrowser,Web browser with vi-styled keybindings PAC,scrot,Screenshot-taking program SRC,,Terminal emulator PAC,thunar,Graphical file manager PAC,tmux,Terminal multiplexer PAC,unclutter,Program that hides the cursos if idle PAC,unzip,ZIP file extractor PAC,xdotool,Utility for automating X11 tasks PAC,xorg-server,X11 server PAC,xorg-xinit,X11 starter PAC,xorg-xsetroot,X11 utility to set wallpapers AUR,yay,AUR helper PAC,zathura,PDF viewer with vi-styled keybindings PAC,zsh,Shell