#!/bin/bash set -e qpushd() { pushd $@ > /dev/null } qpopd() { popd $@ > /dev/null } quiet() { local DUMMY set +e DUMMY=$($@ 2>&1 > /dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$DUMMY" set -e return 1 fi set -e } ultra_quiet() { local DUMMY DUMMY=$($@ 2>&1 > /dev/null) } ### FORCE ROOT ### [ $(whoami) != "root" ] && echo "Please run as root" && exit 1 ### CD TO MY DIR ### cd "$(dirname "$0")" ### URLs ### FZF_DOWNLOAD="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/junegunn/fzf/releases/latest | grep linux_amd64 | sed -nE 's/^\s*"browser_download_url":\s*"(.*)"\s*$/\1/p')" PARTED_DOWNLOAD="https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/parted/download" POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/augustogunsch/install-arch/master/post-install.sh" KEYBOARD_MAP="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/augustogunsch/install-arch/master/keyboard-map.csv" ### COLORS ### RED='\033[0;31m' LGREEN='\033[1;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color BOLD=$(tput bold) NORM=$(tput sgr0) readonly RED readonly LGREEN readonly YELLOW readonly NC readonly BOLD readonly NORM ### VARS ### CUR_PHASE=1 MAX_PHASE=4 ### INFO ### AVAILABLE_PLATFORMS='Both BIOS and UEFI systems\nOnly x86_64 systems\nDistros:\nArch\nArtix (OpenRC)\n' readonly AVAILABLE_PLATFORMS echo "This script can only be run interactively. Make sure you are in a supported platform and have an Internet connection. Available platforms:" echo -e "$AVAILABLE_PLATFORMS" ### SYSTEM ### DISTRO=$(cat /etc/os-release | sed -nE 's/^ID=(.*)/\1/p') INIT_SYS=$(basename $(readlink /bin/init)) set +e [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && UEFI=1 || UEFI=0 set -e readonly DISTRO readonly INIT_SYS readonly UEFI right_chroot() { [ "$DISTRO" = "arch" ] && arch-chroot $@ || artix-chroot $@ } right_fstabgen() { [ "$DISTRO" = "arch" ] && genfstab $@ || fstabgen $@ } right_basestrap() { [ "$DISTRO" = "arch" ] && pacstrap $@ || basestrap $@ } print_phase() { echo -e "${BOLD}${YELLOW}[$CUR_PHASE/$MAX_PHASE] $1 phase${NC}${NORM}" CUR_PHASE=$((CUR_PHASE+1)) } download_fzf() { [ -f /usr/bin/fzf ] && return 0 echo -n "Downloading fzf (for script use only)..." curl -sL "$FZF_DOWNLOAD" -o fzf.tar.gz tar -xf fzf.tar.gz mv ./fzf /usr/bin/fzf rm fzf.tar.gz echo "done" } download_parted() { [ -f /usr/bin/parted ] && return 0 echo -n "Downloading parted (for script use only)..." curl -sL "$PARTED_DOWNLOAD" -o parted.tar.zst tar -xf parted.tar.zst cp -r ./usr / rm -r ./usr rm parted.tar.zst echo "done" } prompt() { echo -n "$1 [Y/n] " [ $NO_CONFIRM ] && echo "y" && return 1 read ans case $ans in n|N) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } prompt_drive() { local DRIVES="$(lsblk -pno NAME,TYPE,MODEL | awk 'BEGIN {count=1} $1 ~ /^\// { if ($2 == "disk") {printf("%i'")"' %s \"", count, $1); for(i=3;i> /mnt/etc/fstab echo "done" } set_timezone() { ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /mnt/etc/localtime quiet right_chroot /mnt hwclock --systohc } set_locale() { echo -n "Configuring locale..." sed "s/^#$LOCALE/$LOCALE/" < /mnt/etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen quiet locale-gen cp -f /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive /mnt/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive cp -f /etc/locale.gec /mnt/etc/locale.gen echo "export LANG=\"$LOCALE\"" > /mnt/etc/locale.conf echo "done" echo -n "Setting keyboard layout..." IFS=, read -r dummy XKBD_LAYOUT XKBD_MODEL XKBD_VARIANT XKBD_OPTIONS <<< "$(grep "^$KBD_LAYOUT," -m1 keyboard-map.csv)" # systemd and others may read from here echo "KEYMAP=$KBD_LAYOUT" > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf # while openrc and others may read from here KBD_LAYOUT_FULL_PATH=$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name "$KBD_LAYOUT.map.gz") echo "keymap=\"$KBD_LAYOUT_FULL_PATH\"" > /mnt/etc/conf.d/keymaps # and X11 will read from here local XKBD_CONF="/mnt/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" mkdir -p $(dirname $XKBD_CONF) echo "Section \"InputClass\"" > $XKBD_CONF echo " Identifier \"system-keyboard\"" >> $XKBD_CONF echo " MatchIsKeyboard \"on\"" >> $XKBD_CONF echo " Option \"XkbLayout\" \"$XKBD_LAYOUT\"" >> $XKBD_CONF echo " Option \"XkbModel\" \"$XKBD_MODEL\"" >> $XKBD_CONF [ -n "$XKBD_VARIANT" ] && echo " Option \"XkbVariant\" \"$XKBD_VARIANT\"" >> $XKBD_CONF [ -n "$XKBD_OPTIONS" ] && echo " Option \"XkbOptions\" \"$XKBD_OPTIONS\"" >> $XKBD_CONF echo "EndSection" >> $XKBD_CONF [ "$INIT_SYS" = "openrc-init" ] && quiet right_chroot /mnt rc-update add keymaps boot echo "done" } setup_grub() { echo -n "Configuring boot loader..." if [ $UEFI -eq 1 ]; then quiet right_basestrap /mnt efibootmgr quiet right_chroot /mnt grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB else quiet right_chroot /mnt grub-install --target=i386-pc "$DRIVE_TARGET" fi quiet right_chroot /mnt grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg echo "done" } setup_users() { echo -n "Configuring users..." set +e # There might be a group with the user's name awk -F: '$1 ~ /^'$PERSONAL_USER'$/ { exit 1 }' /etc/group [ $? -eq 0 ] && right_chroot /mnt useradd --badnames -m "$PERSONAL_USER" || \ right_chroot /mnt useradd --badnames -m -g "$PERSONAL_USER" "$PERSONAL_USER" set -e echo -e "root:$ROOT_PASSWORD\n$PERSONAL_USER:$PERSONAL_PASSWORD" | chpasswd -R /mnt echo "done" } setup_network() { echo -n "Configuring hostname and network..." echo "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" > /mnt/etc/hostname echo " localhost" > /mnt/etc/hosts echo "::1 localhost" >> /mnt/etc/hosts echo " $MACHINE_HOSTNAME.localdomain $MACHINE_HOSTNAME" >> /mnt/etc/hosts quiet right_basestrap /mnt dhcpcd wpa_supplicant if [ "$DISTRO" = "artix" ]; then if [ "$INIT_SYS" = "openrc-init" ]; then echo "hostname=\"$MACHINE_HOSTNAME\"" > /mnt/etc/conf.d/hostname quiet right_basestrap /mnt connman-openrc quiet right_chroot /mnt rc-update add connmand fi else quiet right_chroot /mnt systemctl enable dhcpcd fi echo "done" } ask_password() { echo -n "Type password for $1: " stty -echo read USER_PASSWORD stty echo echo echo -n "Confirm password: " stty -echo local PASSWORD_CONFIRM read PASSWORD_CONFIRM stty echo echo if [ "$USER_PASSWORD" != "$PASSWORD_CONFIRM" ]; then echo "Wrong passwords. Please try again." ask_password $1 fi } prompt_all() { download_fzf prompt_drive echo "Choose timezone:" qpushd /usr/share/zoneinfo TIMEZONE="$(fzf --layout=reverse --height=20)" qpopd echo "Choose locale:" LOCALE=$(sed '/^#\s/D' < /etc/locale.gen | sed '/^#$/D' | sed 's/^#//' | fzf --layout=reverse --height=20) [ -f keyboard-map.csv ] || curl -sL "$KEYBOARD_MAP" -o keyboard-map.csv echo "Choose keyboard layout:" KBD_LAYOUT="$(awk -F, '{print $1}' keyboard-map.csv | fzf --layout=reverse --height=20)" ask_password root ROOT_PASSWORD="$USER_PASSWORD" echo -n "Type your personal username: " read PERSONAL_USER ask_password "$PERSONAL_USER" PERSONAL_PASSWORD="$USER_PASSWORD" echo -n "Type the machine hostname: " read MACHINE_HOSTNAME } post_install() { curl -sL "$POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT" -o post-install.sh mv post-install.sh /mnt/root chmod +x /mnt/root/post-install.sh print_phase "Post installation" echo "From now on, other script will be running" right_chroot /mnt /root/post-install.sh -nu "$PERSONAL_USER" } configure() { print_phase "System configuration" set_timezone set_locale setup_grub setup_users setup_network } main() { prompt_all partition install_base configure post_install umount -R /mnt echo "ALSA must be configured manually. You can use 'alsamixer' to configure and then 'alsactl store' to save the changes." echo "Most likely you just have to unmute the Main channel." echo "Graphics drivers must also be installed manually. See Arch Wiki: Xorg#Driver_installation." echo -n "Ready to reboot. Press any key to continue..." read dummy reboot } main