PAC,alsa-utils,Utilities for ALSA PAC,breeze-icons,Icon set PAC,clang,C compiler PAC,cmake,Meta-build system PAC,cmus,Terminal music player FUN,install_dash, PAC,dunst,Notification daemon SRC,,Graphical dynamic menu SRC,,Tiling window manager SRC,,Dwm status bar PAC,feh,Image viewer PAC,firejail,Sandbox program PAC,ffmpeg,Media library with CLI tool PAC,fzf,Fuzzy finder PAC,gcc,C compiler PAC,gdb,C debugger PAC,htop,System monitor PAC,libnotify,Implementation of the Desktop Notifications Specification PAC,libxinerama,X11 extension which provides support for extending a desktop across multiple displays PAC,lxsession,Graphical authentication agent PAC,man,Interface to system manuals PAC,maxima,Computer algebra system AUR,midnight-gtk-theme-git,GTK theme AUR,mmv,Batch renamer PAC,mpv,Media player PAC,mupdf,Lightweight PDF viewer PAC,neofetch,System info fetcher PAC,neovim,Text editor AUR,nerd-fonts-hack,Monospace font PAC,newsboat,RSS feed reader and manager PAC,noto-fonts,Collection of standard fonts from Google PAC,opendoas,Sudo alternative PAC,openssh,Secure shell PAC,picom,X11 compositor PAC,polkit,Toolkit for handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged ones PAC,python-lsp-server,Python LSP PAC,python3,Python 3 interpreter PAC,qutebrowser,Web browser with vi-styled keybindings PAC,rsync,Synchronizing tool PAC,scrot,Screenshot-taking program SRC,,Terminal emulator PAC,thunar,Graphical file manager PAC,tmux,Terminal multiplexer PAC,unclutter,Program that hides the cursos if idle PAC,unzip,ZIP file extractor PAC,valgrind,C profiler PAC,xdotool,Utility for automating X11 tasks PAC,xorg-server,X11 server PAC,xorg-xinit,X11 starter PAC,xorg-xrandr,X11 utility to set screen resolution PAC,xorg-xsetroot,X11 utility to set wallpapers AUR,yay,AUR helper PAC,youtube-dl,Youtube downloader PAC,zathura,PDF viewer with vi-styled keybindings PAC,zsh,Shell