productId = $productId; $this->variationId = $variationId; $this->SKU = $SKU; $this->name = $name; $this->price = $price; } public function getSKU() { return $this->SKU; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getPrice() { return $this->price; } public function getProductId() { return $this->productId; } public function setVariationId($id) { $this->variationId = $id; } public function setProductId($id) { $this->productId = $id; } public abstract function getFormatedAttr(); public static function fromRow($row) : self { if($row['size'] !== NULL) { return DVD::fromRow($row); } elseif($row['weight'] !== NULL) { return Book::fromRow($row); } elseif($row['height'] !== NULL) { return Furniture::fromRow($row); } else { throw new Exception("Product without a type"); } } private static function getSelectAllQuery() : string { return 'SELECT '.PRODUCT.'.id as product_id, COALESCE('.DVD.'.id, '.BOOK.'.id, '.FURNITURE.'.id) as variation_id, name, sku, price, size, weight, width, height, length FROM '.PRODUCT.' LEFT JOIN '.DVD.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.DVD.'.product_id LEFT JOIN '.BOOK.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.BOOK.'.product_id LEFT JOIN '.FURNITURE.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.FURNITURE.'.product_id;'; } public function insert($conn = NULL) : int { if($conn === NULL) { $conn = Database::connect(); } $SKU = $this->getSKU(); $name = $this->getName(); $price = $this->getPrice(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO ".PRODUCT." (sku, name, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"); $stmt->bind_param('ssd', $SKU, $name, $price); if($stmt->execute() === TRUE) { $this->setProductId($conn->insert_id); return $conn->insert_id; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to insert object"); } } public function jsonSerialize() : mixed { return [ 'id' => $this->getProductId(), 'sku' => $this->getSKU(), 'name' => $this->getName(), 'price' => $this->getPrice(), 'attribute' => $this->getFormatedAttr() ]; } } class DVD extends Product { private $size; public function __construct($sku, $name, $price, $size, $productId = null, $variationId = null) { parent::__construct($sku, $name, $price, $productId, $variationId); $this->size = $size; } public static function fromRow($row) : self { return new DVD($row['sku'], $row['name'], $row['price'], $row['size'], $row['product_id'], $row['variation_id']); } public function getSize() { return $this->size; } public function getFormatedAttr() { $size = $this->getSize(); return "Size: $size MB"; } private static function getSelectAllQuery() : string { return 'SELECT '.PRODUCT.'.*, '.DVD.'.id as variation_id, size FROM '.PRODUCT.' LEFT JOIN '.DVD.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.DVD.'.product_id'; } public function insert($conn = NULL) : int { if($conn === NULL) { $conn = Database::connect(); } if($this->getProductId() === NULL) { parent::insert($conn); } $productId = $this->getProductId(); $size = $this->getSize(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO ".DVD." (product_id, size) VALUES (?, ?);"); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $productId, $size); if($stmt->execute() === TRUE) { $this->setVariationId($conn->insert_id); return $conn->insert_id; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to insert object"); } } } class Book extends Product { private $weight; public function __construct($sku, $name, $price, $weight, $productId = null, $variationId = null) { parent::__construct($sku, $name, $price, $productId, $variationId); $this->weight = $weight; } public static function fromRow($row) : self { return new Book($row['sku'], $row['name'], $row['price'], $row['weight'], $row['product_id'], $row['variation_id']); } public function getWeight() { return $this->weight; } public function getFormatedAttr() { $weight = $this->getWeight(); return "Weight: $weight KG"; } private static function getSelectAllQuery() : string { return 'SELECT '.PRODUCT.'.*, '.BOOK.'.id as variation_id, size FROM '.PRODUCT.' LEFT JOIN '.BOOK.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.BOOK.'.product_id'; } public function insert($conn = NULL) : int { if($conn === NULL) { $conn = Database::connect(); } if($this->getProductId() === NULL) { parent::insert($conn); } $productId = $this->getProductId(); $weight = $this->getWeight(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO ".BOOK." (product_id, weight) VALUES (?, ?);"); $stmt->bind_param('id', $productId, $weight); if($stmt->execute() === TRUE) { $this->setVariationId($conn->insert_id); return $conn->insert_id; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to insert object"); } } } class Furniture extends Product { private $height; private $width; private $length; public function __construct($SKU, $name, $price, $height, $width, $length, $productId = NULL, $variationId = NULL) { parent::__construct($SKU, $name, $price, $productId, $variationId); $this->height = $height; $this->width = $width; $this->length = $length; } public static function fromRow($row) : self { return new Furniture($row['sku'], $row['name'], $row['price'], $row['height'], $row['width'], $row['length'], $row['product_id'], $row['variation_id']); } public function getHeight() { return $this->height; } public function getWidth() { return $this->width; } public function getLength() { return $this->length; } public function getFormatedAttr() { $height = $this->getHeight(); $width = $this->getWidth(); $length = $this->getLength(); return 'Dimension: '.$height.'x'.$width.'x'.$length; } private static function getSelectAllQuery() : string { return 'SELECT '.PRODUCT.'.*, '.FURNITURE.'.id as variation_id, size FROM '.PRODUCT.' LEFT JOIN '.FURNITURE.' ON '.PRODUCT.'.id = '.FURNITURE.'.product_id'; } public function insert($conn = NULL) : int { if($conn === NULL) { $conn = Database::connect(); } if($this->getProductId() === NULL) { parent::insert($conn); } $productId = $this->getProductId(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $width = $this->getWidth(); $length = $this->getLength(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO ".FURNITURE." (product_id, height, width, length) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"); $stmt->bind_param('iddd', $productId, $height, $width, $length); if($stmt->execute() === TRUE) { $this->setVariationId($conn->insert_id); return $conn->insert_id; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to insert object"); } } }