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1PACalsa-utilsUtilities for ALSA
2PACclangC compiler
3PACcmakeMeta-build system
4PACcmusTerminal music player
5AURcompiledbUtility for generating compile_commands.json from Makefile
7PACdunstNotification daemon
8SRC dynamic menu
9SRC window manager
10SRC status bar
11PACfehImage viewer
12PACfirejailSandbox program
13PACfzfFuzzy finder
14PACgccC compiler
15PACgdbC debugger
16PACgvimText editor
17AURhtop-vimSystem monitor
18PAClibnotifyImplementation of the Desktop Notifications Specification
19PAClibxineramaX11 extension which provides support for extending a desktop across multiple displays
20PAClxsessionGraphical authentication agent
21PACmanInterface to system manuals
22PACmpvMedia player
23PACmupdfLightweight PDF viewer
24AURnerd-fonts-hackMonospace font
25PACnoto-fontsCollection of standard fonts from Google
26PACopendoasSudo alternative
27PACopensshSecure shell
28PACpicomX11 compositor
29PACpolkitToolkit for handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged ones
30PACpython3Python 3 interpreter
31PACqutebrowserWeb browser with vi-styled keybindings
32PACscrotScreenshot-taking program
33SRC emulator
34PACthunarGraphical file manager
35PACtmuxTerminal multiplexer
36PACunclutterProgram that hides the cursos if idle
37PACunzipZIP file extractor
38PACvalgrindC profiler
39PACxdotoolUtility for automating X11 tasks
40PACxorg-serverX11 server
41PACxorg-xinitX11 starter
42PACxorg-xrandrX11 utility to set screen resolution
43PACxorg-xsetrootX11 utility to set wallpapers
44AURyayAUR helper
45PACzathuraPDF viewer with vi-styled keybindings