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1PACalsa-utilsUtilities for ALSA
2PACclangC compiler
3PACcmakeMeta-build system
4PACcmusTerminal music player
5AURcompiledbUtility for generating compile_commands.json from Makefile
7PACdunstNotification daemon
8SRC dynamic menu
9SRC window manager
10SRC status bar
11PACfehImage viewer
12PACfirejailSandbox program
13PACfzfFuzzy finder
14PACgccC compiler
15PACgvimText editor
16PAClibnotifyImplementation of the Desktop Notifications Specification
17PAClibxineramaX11 extension which provides support for extending a desktop across multiple displays
18PAClxsessionGraphical authentication agent
19PACmanInterface to system manuals
20PACmpvMedia player
21PACmupdfLightweight PDF viewer
22AURnerd-fonts-hackMonospace font
23PACnoto-fontsCollection of standard fonts from Google
24PACopendoasSudo alternative
25PACopensshSecure shell
26PACpicomX11 compositor
27PACpolkitToolkit for handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged ones
28PACpython3Python 3 interpreter
29PACqutebrowserWeb browser with vi-styled keybindings
30PACscrotScreenshot-taking program
31SRC emulator
32PACthunarGraphical file manager
33PACtmuxTerminal multiplexer
34PACunclutterProgram that hides the cursos if idle
35PACunzipZIP file extractor
36PACxdotoolUtility for automating X11 tasks
37PACxorg-serverX11 server
38PACxorg-xinitX11 starter
39PACxorg-xsetrootX11 utility to set wallpapers
40AURyayAUR helper
41PACzathuraPDF viewer with vi-styled keybindings